5 things I wish I’d known earlier

5 things I wish I'd known earlier

I never knew that starting my own Creative Copywriting business would be so hard!

No one tells you that right?

And then, when you look around, everyone else just seems to be smashing it, with finesse (at least according to insta!)

From taking the plunge to making a go of it, there are so many things to think about, it all gets a little overwhelming, I know.

So here are some things that I wish I had known when I was just getting started in copywriting that might just have made life a little easier.


Don’t wait until you are ready

If you’re waiting for the primo opportunity to set up on your own, you’ll be waiting forever.

The time is now

Believe in yourself, believe in the little idea that’s been growing in the back of your mind and run with it. Be your own cheerleader and give it a go.

Don’t give up your day job straight away, start as a side hustle whilst you build confidence and a client base.

Whilst the business world may be crowded there is only one you. Only one person that can do what you do, how you do it.

So, give yourself the chance and jump in!!


There is no such thing as perfect

Spending hours crafting your first Insta or LinkedIn post?

Getting lost in the options for branding colours?

Remember, just getting yourself seen will start building your business. And no one out there is perfect.

Give yourself a break, speak from the heart.

Be authentic to yourself, choose branding colours that mean something to you.

But do it, NOW and then move on.

Tomorrow you can do another post, next month you can define your colours as your true brand emerges and refines.

All the obstacles we see whilst we’re chasing perfection are just procrastinations that will stop us from doing what we love. The very reason we set up our business in the first place!

Just focus on one thing

I know your to-do list seems never-ending. You’re looking at marketing, networking, website building, product sourcing, what’s for lunch and when will I take the dog out?

LISTEN! Put away the list.

Pick one task for today, just one, and focus on that.

Give it everything, all your attention - all your time.

Get that task done before you do anything else.

Don’t tell yourself you have to do it all . . . just one thing a day and you’ll get there before you know it.


Find your people

A support network is invaluable when you are setting up your own business.

Whilst no one else can do what you do, they can be there to cheer you on, provide advice and refocus you when you’re feeling a little lost and alone.

Whether this is through family and friends, or an online group to check in with. Whoever it is, ensure you feel connected with them.

And remember, it’s a two-way thing, give support and you’ll receive it.

Be the energy you want to attract!

Switch off

If anyone ever tells you that you have to slog away at your business from dawn till dusk to even get a foothold, remove that person from your life tout suite my loves!

Burnout is real. And your brain needs time to destress, calm down and switch off.

So honour your downtime as much as you do your drive and ambition.

Get outside for a walk, read a book, or just sit with your drink of choice in a darkened room.

Whatever it takes for you to feel calm and come back to you.


I hope you found this useful?

Every single one of these things will be relevant throughout your business life, not just as you start out.

There will often be something you are ‘waiting’ to do, something you are trying to perfect and there will always be times when you absolutely NEED to switch off ALL SCREENS and simply go dark.

Just remember everyone started somewhere, and this is your time to shine!


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